Common Program Inquiries

Yes, in most cases. Family counseling sessions typically focus on the patient’s immediate reason for hospitalization, patient safety after discharge, and discharge/follow up care arrangements.

For children and adolescent patients age 18 and younger, family counseling sessions are usually scheduled with the parent/legal guardian at the time of admission and are typically held three or four days after admission. Additional sessions may be held every three or four days.

For adult patients 18 or older, family counseling sessions are usually scheduled with immediate family within three or four days after admission and as needed after that.

Please note: A patient 18 or older must give written consent for family to be contacted and chooses who will participate in the family counseling sessions.

If it’s impossible for the family to be present, family sessions can be conducted by speakerphone at a scheduled time.

The law requires that all adult patients 18 or older must give written authorization for staff to provide any information about their hospitalization, care or treatment to anyone, including family members. The only exceptions are when there is a court-appointed legal guardian (and the hospital has been given copies of the court documents), or when the patient is active duty military (information is provided to the service member’s chain of command).

For minors, the parent or legal guardian authorizes the release of any information. In cases of divorce or separation, both parents have the right to information about a child’s treatment unless a court has formally terminated parental rights.

The staff makes every effort to arrange and schedule follow up care with the patient’s existing care providers. When a patient has no existing providers, staff assists with arranging appropriate follow-up mental health treatment and medication management. However, if the patient is an adult, they must give authorization for staff to arrange follow up care.

The type of follow up care often depends on the patient’s insurance coverage and resources. We can provide additional information about educational and support agencies, living arrangements, etc.

Since Brentwood is located in Louisiana, all patients receiving treatment are subject to Louisiana Mental Health Laws.

The hospital does not provide transportation. However, in situations when it is impossible for the family to pick up the patient at the time of discharge, we do assist the patient and their family in arranging transportation through available resources such as the State Medicaid transport office. We also provide information on bus and local cab services available to the patient and their family.

Brentwood Hospital is an acute care (short term) facility. The state of Louisiana makes no provisions for long-term psychiatric inpatient or residential treatment. Also, many insurance companies do not cover long term or residential treatment. We will make every effort to provide appropriate crisis stabilization and discharge patients to outpatient treatment as soon as possible.

In some cases, a patient may leave treatment prematurely and/or against his/her physician’s medical advice. The patient cannot be held against his or her will if the patient meets all of the following criteria:

  • Is an adult 18 or older who admitted him or herself voluntarily
  • Submits a request for discharge
  • Is examined by a physician who determines the patient is not an immediate danger to himself or herself

In cases in which the patient is admitted involuntarily on an emergency certificate, the hospital is required to release the patient immediately upon examination by the state-appointed physician if that physician determines the patient is not an immediate danger to self or others.

Formal Voluntary Admission

Physicians Emergency Certificate

Coroner’s Emergency Certificate

The law requires that the patient informs the staff and signs a 72-hour request for discharge form. This form requires the physician to evaluate this patient and release them within 72 hours from when they completed the form or commit them involuntarily.

They may rescind the 72-hour request for discharge in writing at any time before it expires.

The physician may hold the patient for up to 72 hours and release the patient or commit involuntarily.

The patient must complete a 72-hour discharge request form.

The law allows the coroner physician (an appointed representative of the State of Louisiana) up to 72 hours from when the patient was admitted to Brentwood to complete an independent examination. This may require the patient to be held beyond the 72 hours from the time the PEC was completed.

The patient can be held up to a maximum of 15 days. However, the physician can release them sooner if their condition improves and they are no longer considered at risk.


Help Is Always Here

We’re available 24/7 to provide a no-cost mental health assessment for you or your loved one. Call us at 877-678-7500, visit our facility, or message us to get started.

In the case of a medical emergency or crisis, please dial 911 or go to the nearest emergency room.