Helpful Links and Downloads

Brentwood Hospital is happy to help patients gather more information about their stay at our facility and the kinds of behavioral health issues we address.

  • FAQs – Get answers to the most commonly asked questions about our programs.
  • What to Bring – Learn more about what patients should pack when coming to our facility.
  • Forms & Downloads – Download necessary referral and intake forms for yourself or a patient.
  • Visitation Schedule – Find out when you can come to visit your friend or loved one.

Action Alliance Partnership

The National Action Alliance for Suicide Prevention (Action Alliance), a public-private partnership, has partnered with Brentwood Hospital, to strengthen the country’s clinical capacity to provide innovative suicide prevention and care. The partnership significantly advances one of the central priorities of the Action Alliance—to transform health systems and reduce suicides—and marks Brentwood Hospital’s commitment to be at the leading edge of the transformation.

As a proud supporter of the National Action Alliance on Suicide Prevention, Brentwood Hospital provides education and resources to the communities we serve. Watch our video below to learn more:


Help Is Always Here

We’re available 24/7 to provide a no-cost mental health assessment for you or your loved one. Call us at 877-678-7500, visit our facility, or message us to get started.

In the case of a medical emergency or crisis, please dial 911 or go to the nearest emergency room.